Business Blog Community Servcorp Raises $225,000 for Disaster Victims

Servcorp Raises $225,000 for Disaster Victims


International virtual and serviced office provider Servcorp has raised $225,000 for victims of the natural disasters in Queensland.

Servcorp Executive Director Taine Moufarrige said the ASX-listed, Sydney-based company received more than $100,000 in donations from its clients and staff from throughout the world, including Japan and South East Asia, to the Premier's Disaster Relief Appeal.

“We decided to match the generous donations from our clients and our staff from all over the globe so we were able to raise a total of $225,000 for the appeal,” Mr Moufarrige said.

“With so many Queenslanders badly affected by first the floods and now Tropical Cyclone Yasi we felt an obligation to do what we can.”

Servcorp also offered many Brisbane businesses affected by last month's floods free phone call diversion and message handling services.

Companies which took advantage of Servcorp's wide range of services included EMC Global, Clayton UTZ, the National Seniors Association, and Riparian Plaza Building Management.

“Putting our global IT infrastructure into action, we were able to provide affected businesses in the Brisbane area with a complimentary phone line if requested,” Mr Moufarrige said. “Our teams in the Reserve Bank Building in Hobart and Melbourne Docklands managed calls for these affected businesses.”

Servcorp is the world's finest provider of 5 Star office solutions, and the international market leader in superior IT and communications infrastructure.

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